Annotation:Auld Fiddler (The)

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X:1 T:The Auld Fiddler C:Billy McGuire S:Aly Bain \& Phil Cunningham D:The Pearl L:1/8 M:C| K:A (3efg|a2ed cdBc|ABcd eaga|be (3eee c'e (3eee|d'ec'e be (3efg| a2ed cdBc|ABcd eaga|be (3eee ^de=de|cecB A2:|Ac| BE (3EEE BEcE|dEeE dEcE|BE (3EEE BEBc|dBGB A2Ac| BE (3EEE BEcE|dEeE dEcE|BE (3EEE ^DE=DE|CECB, A,3 c| BE (3EEE BEcE|dEeE dEcE|BE (3EEE BEBc|dBGB A2Ac| BE (3EEE cE (3EEE|dEeE fBgB|aeee ^dede|^defg a2|]

AULD FIDDLER, THE. Scottish, Reel. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Composed by Aberdeen musician Billy (or Willie) McGuire, formerly fiddler with the Scottish band The Whistlebinkies, and named in honor of Biography:Bert Murray.

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Printed sources : - Susan Songer with Clyde Curley (Portland Collection vol. 3), 2015; p. 19.

Recorded sources : - Compass Records – 7 4403 2, Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham - "The Best of Aly & Phil" (2005). Green Linnet SIF 3107, Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham - "The Pearl." Willie Hunter (with Violet Tulloch) - "Leaving Lerwick Harbour" (1995).

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