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X: 1 T: Beeswing M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: reel K: Dmaj A |: d2dB AFDF | GBAF GEEA | d2dB AFDA |1 GBAF D2DA :|2 GBAF D2g2 || fdaf gebg | fdec dcBA | fdaf gebg | fdec d2dg | fdaf gbeg | fdec dcBA | FAdc Bdea | fdec d2 d2 ||

BEESWING. English, Reel (whole time). England, Northumberland. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Not the more famous "Bee's Wing (The)" by James Hill, but presumably honoring the same race horse. This "Beeswing" is attributed to Robert Lightfoot by Hall & Stafford; Lightfoot was a composer of several tunes to be found in Northumbrian collections.

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Printed sources : - Hall & Stafford (Charlton Memorial Tune Book), 1956; p. 2.

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