Annotation:Black Eyed Susan (3)
X:1 T:Black Eyed Susan [3] M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Stanford/Petrie (1905), No. 729 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bmin FBc | d2 c>B BA | F3E DE | F>E DF E>D | B,3 FBc | d2 cB AF | f3 edc | B>d cB ^Ac | {c}B3 || ffe | d>e fd ed | c>d ec d>c | B>d cB B^A | F3 EDE | F^G AF B^A | Bc f>e dc | B>d cB ^Ac | B3 ||
BLACK-EYED SUSAN [3]. AKA and see "Cape Clear." Irish, Air (3/4 time). B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Petrie (1855) calls this the "Irish setting" of the piece. See also Petrie's untitled No. 79 for a nearly identical version.