Annotation:Bracken Lane (The)

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X:1 T:Bracken Lane, The M:C L:1/8 S:Feis Ceoil Collection (1914) K:D DE|F3G A2 Bc|d2 cB A2 FE|D3E D2D2|D6 Bc| d3c B2 cB|A2G2F2 EF|D2 EF A2A2|A6 Bc| d3c B2 cB|A2G2F2 EF|D2 EF A2A2|A6 DE| F3G A2 Bc|d2 cB A2 FE|D3E D2D2|D6||

BRACKEN LANE, THE. Irish, Air (4/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - piper Philip Goodman (Carrickmacross, Ireland) [Darley & McCall]. Piper Philip Goodman (c. 1831-1908), Carrickmacross, Ireland, is variously described as "the last professional and traditional piper in Farney, Louth", and also recorded as having been from Donaghmoyne, County Monaghan (all of which are places from the same area, and contiguous to the Oriel region).

Printed sources : - Darley & McCall (Feis Ceol Collection of Irish Music), 1914; No. 26, p. 11.

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