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Annotation:Braes of Branksom (The)

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X:1 T:Braes of Branksom M:C| L:1/8 B:David Young – “A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations Book II” B:The McFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 152, p. 208) F: https://rmacd.com/music/macfarlane-manuscript/collection/pdfs/braes_of_branksom.pdf N:The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland K:C g2|Te2 (dc) c3d|ef g2TB2 (AG)|TB2G2 ABGB|A4 f2:| |:g2|Te2 (dc) c3d|cGEG c3d|TB2d2d2 e^f|g^fed g2 dc| TB2 (AG) G2 AB|cBAG F3A|GABc dcBA|G4 f2:| |:ef|gfed cdec|dcBA GABG|Aagf edcB|A4 g2:| |:gf|efed cBcd|cdef g2 ag|^fgfe dfdf|g^fed g2 dc| Bg^fg GABG|cBAG =FGAF |GABc dcBA|G4 f2:|]

BRAES OF BRANKSOM. AKA - "Braes of Branxholm," "Braes of Branksome." English, Scottish; Air (whole time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. The song was traditionally said to have been written by 'Auld Hobbie o' Skelfhill', and was published in William Thomson's Orpheus Caledonius (1733). However, it had earlier appeared as a song in Allan Ramsey's stage production, The Gentle Shepherd (1686-1757) under the title "The Generous Gentleman." 'Branksom' refers to Branxholme in Hawick Parish, Roxburghshire, on the Teviot, seat of the Scotts of Buccleuch. A broadside version, rather more coarse than Ramsay's verses, begins:

As I came in by Tiviot side and by the braes of Branksome,
There met I with a pretty Lass that was both neat and handsome:
If that her mother say me nay, then with the Daughter will I play,
Whether that she will or nay, have at the bonny Lassie.

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Printed sources : - Oswald (Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 6), 1760; p. 7. David Young (A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations Book II, The McFarlane Manuscript), c. 1741; No. 152, p. 208.

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