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Annotation:Bring her to the Shelter

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X:1 T:Bring her to the Shelter M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 2, c. 1883, No. 270, p. 56) B:http://grier.itma.ie/book-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=55&z=193.5938%2C1504.9461%2C3106.4674%2C1258.8443 N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin G|EAAB c2 BA|GBEB GEED|EAAB cBce|dBGA BA A2:| B|cdef e2 dc|Bcde dBGB|cdef edcB|cBAG EAAB| cdef e2 dc|Bcde dBGB|cBce dBGB|cBAG EA A2||

BRING HER TO THE SHELTER. AKA and see "Hand Me Down the Tacklings (2)." Irish, Reel (whole time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The tune appears under the "Bring Her to the Shelter" title in the music manuscript collection of Stephen Grier (1883, County Leitrim), but earlier is to be found in the music manuscript collection of John Gunn (c. 1865, County Fermanagh) as "Hand Me Down the Tacklings (2)," albeit with a key signature of three sharps (A Major). Ed Reavy's "Glen Reel (The)" is a similar sounding, 20th century composition.

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