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Annotation:Captain Ford's Quick Step

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X:1 T:Captain Ford's Quick Step M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Edward Riley – “Riley’s Flute Melodies vol. 1” (New York, 1814, No. 126, p. 33) B: https://archive.org/details/flutemelodies0000rile/page/n47/mode/2up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G dg g/f/g/e/|dg g/f/g/e/|(d/e/) (c/d/) (B/c/) (A/B/)|G/F/G/A/ (G/A/)B/c/| dg g/f/g/e/|dg g/f/g/e/|(d/e/) (c/d/) (B/c/) (A/B/)|GB G2|| AdAd |Bd Bd|cB AG|F/D/E/F/ (G/A/).B/.c/| dg g/f/g/e/|dg g/f/g/e/| (d/e/) (c/d/) (B/c/) (A/B/)|GB G2||

CAPTAIN FORD'S QUICK STEP. American, Quick Step March (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Captain Ford's Quick Step" was printed above "Decatur's Hornpipe" in New York music publisher Edward Riley's Flute Melodies, vol. 1 (1814). The titles likely honor naval heroes Stephen Decatur Jr. and John Ford [1], career commanding officers in the nascent United States Navy.

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Printed sources : - Edward Riley (Riley’s Flute Melodies vol. 1), New York, 1814; No. 126, p. 33.

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