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Annotation:Cecil MacKenzie

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X:1 T:Cecil Mackenzie’s Strathspey M:C L:1/16 R:Pipe Strathspey C:Rod Campbell B:Logan’s Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music vol. 2 (c. 1905, No. 17, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A a2|AA A2c2B2 ce3e3f|e3ca3g f4 fa3|AAA2 c3B ce3f3e|fa3e3f c3BB2a2| AAA2c3B ce3e3f|e3ca3e f4 fa3|a3gf3e (3f2g2a2 e3c|A3ce3f c3BB2|| f4|e3ca3c e3ccf3|e3ca3e f4 fa3|e3ca3c e3c (3e2f2g2|(3a2g2f2 e3A c3BBf3| e3ca3c e3ccf3|e3fa3e f4 (3e2f2g2|a3efa3 e3ac3a|f3ae2f2 c3BB2||

CECIL MACKENZIE. Scottish, Pipe Strathspey (whole time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Cecil MacKenzie" was composed by piper Rod Campbell (1873-1937). Paul Stewart Cranford (2015) notes that Campbell's student, John Wilson, moved to Ontario after World War II and became highly influential in the piping community there. The tune was recorded under the title "Appin House" by fiddlers John A. MacDonald and, later, by Howie MacDonald, although this title for the tune may be a misnomer.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Cranford (The Cape Breton Highland Collection), 2015; p. 3. Logan’s Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music vol. 2, c. 1905; No. 17, p. 11.

Recorded sources : - JC-123, John Campbell - "Heritage Remembered." Rodeo Records RLP-75, John A. MacDonald - "Marches, Strathspeys, Reels & Jigs of the Cape Breton Scot."

See also listing at :
Alan Snyder's Cape Breton Fiddle Recordings Index [1]

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