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Annotation:Cha Bhi Mi Gad Thaladh

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X:1 T:Ho-ró, cha bhi mi gad', chaoidh M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:"Lively" B:Broadwood et al - Journal of the Folk-Song Society, vol. 8, No. 35, Dec. 1931, p. 294. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin E|G2E DB,D|B2A G2A|B2E E2D|E>FE ED[B,D]| B,E E EDB,|G2G {G}AGA|B2B BAB|G>AG !fermata!E2||

CHA BHI MI GAD THALADH (I will not be singing you a lullaby). AKA - "Ho-ró, cha bhi mi gad', chaoidh." Scottish, Slow Air (3/4 time). G Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA. The words translate as "Ho ro! I'll not be pining over you. If you care to come back I'll be quite inclined to receive you." c.f. tune to "Eilean an Fhraoich."

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Printed sources : - Martin (Ceol na Fidhle, vol. 1), 1991; p. 13.

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