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Annotation:Colleen I'm Courting Just Now (The)

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X:1 % T:There’s a hole in my breeches! M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:Henry Hudson manuscript collection c. 1841 (Dublin, No. 262) N:Hudson was a Dublin dentist and an early collector. He was N:music editor of The Citizen or Dublin Monthly Magazine from N:1841-1843. F: http://rarebooks.library.nd.edu/digital/bookreader/MSE_1434-2/#page/7/mode/1up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D/E/|GAB d>ed|Bde A2 (G/A/)|Bde d>BA|(G3 G2) (B/c/)| dga bag|Bde d2 (g/f/)|.e.d.c .B.A.G|(E3 E2)|| (G/A/)|(Bd)e d(eg/a/)|(bag) d2 g/f/|edB (AGB/G/)|(E3 E2) D/E/| (GAB) (ded)|(Bd).e A2 G/A/|Bde dBA|(G3 G2)||

COLLEEN I'M COURTING JUST NOW, THE. AKA and see "There's a hole in my coat," "There's a hole in my breeches." Irish, Air (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The air was entered into the 1841 music manuscript collection of Dublin dentist and collector Henry Hudson (1798-1889) under the title "There's a hole in my breeches", along with the following words:

There’s a hole in my breeches, I cannot tell how,
And I haven’t a Wife for to mend it,
So I hope that the Cailin I’m courting just now,
By my breeches will not be offended.
For my mother declares she will not sew no more,
And my sister has married a sailor,
Oh I never was bother’d so fairly before,
For my credit is gone with the Taylor.

See note for "annotation:Enniskillen Dragoon (1) (The)" for brief discussion of the structure of this tune and partial list of others in this class.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - O'Neill (O'Neill's Irish Music), 1915; No. 2, p. 11.

Recorded sources: -

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