Annotation:Cow that Ate the Blanket (1) (The)

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X:1 T: The Cow that Ate the Blanket [1] S: "Treoir" Q: 325 R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G A | B2 A BGD | GAG GBd | ege dBG | ABA ABc | B2 A BGD | GAG GBd | ege dBA | BGF G2 :| d | gfg efg | eag fed | gfg edB | BAG ABc | B2 A BGD | GAG GBd | ege dBA | BGF G2 :||

COW THAT ATE THE BLANKET [1], THE. AKA and see "Kitty Come Over," "Noonday Feast (The)." Irish, Double Jig (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB (Russell): AABB (Black, Mulvihill): AA'BB' (Beisswenger). Doolin, North Clare tin whistle player Micho Russell (1989) noted this tune was played for the Clare set. According to Russell (who was known for "embellishing" his stories) "it was a disease in some cows" who were known to consume clothes, shirts, frocks or other articles.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Connie O'Connell (County Cork) [Beisswenger].

Printed sources : - Drew Beisswenger with Connie O'Connell (Irish Fiddle Music from Counties Cork and Kerry), 2012; p. 96. Black (Music's the Very Best Thing), 1996; No. 74, p. 38. Mulvihill (1st Collection), 1986; No. 99, p. 85. Russell (The Piper's Chair), 1989; p. 5.

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