Annotation:Démêlée (La)

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X: 1 T: La Démêlée R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 F: K: Amin E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|ABcd eeEe| E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|1 Acec A2 EE:|2 Acec A2 G/A/G/A/|| K:C |:G2 EG CGEG|CEGc eGce|d2 Bd GBdB|gfdB G2 G/A/G/A/| G2 EG CGEG|CEGc e3 d|fdBd GBdf|1 aGAB c2 G/A/G/A/:|2 aGAB c EEE||

DÉMÊLÉE, LA. French-Canadian, Reel (whole time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. The title is thought to mean "a mix-up".

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Recorded sources : - Philo FI-2006, Philippe Bruneau - "Danses Pour Veillées Canadiennes" (1974. Thesixth tune in a nine tune medley on the recording)

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