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Annotation:Dearest and Fairest

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X: 1 T:Dearest and Fairest,The,aka. PFD2.305 B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Steve Mansfield 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk M:3/2 L:1/4 W:Longways for as many as will. W:Note: Each Strain is to be play'd twice. W:The 2d Wo. cast off and go below the 3d Man, 1st Man at the same Time, W:follow her below the 3d Wo. then both cast up and turn in the 2d Cu. Place .| W:First Man cast off and go below the 3d Wo. his Partnet follow him at the W:same Time below the 3d Man, then cast up and turn |: First Cu. Figure W:thro' the 2d Cu. and change Places; 1st Man fall between the 3d Cu. and W:cast up above the 2d Man, his Partner at the same Time slip between W:the 2d Cu. and cast off .| First Cu. Figure thro' the 3d Cu. and change Places, W:lead up a-breast with the 2d Cu. frst Cu. cast off |: Q:3/4=80 N:Repeats not in Mss, added to match dance instruction F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Playford/Playford2(16-7-15).abc K:Am A2 Ec BA | GE2D CB, | A,A2B cd | eA cB/A/ ^GE | A2 Ec BA | GE2D CB, | CE DF Ee | ^GE2 ^GA2 :| |: e2 cg fe | dB c(B/A/) GE | AG AB cd | e d/c/(B/c/) (d/B/) c2 | e2 d2 f2 | e2 a2 ^g2 | e2 A B/c/(d/c/)(B/A/) | ^GE2 ^GA2 :|

DEAREST AND FAIREST. English, "Old" or Triple Hornpipe (3/2 time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Offord): AABB (Playford). The melody was published in John Young's Third Volume of the Dancing Master, second edition, published in London in 1726. Young was the successor to the Playford publishing concerns.

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Printed sources : - Offord (John of the Green: Ye Cheshire Way), 1985; p. 41.

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