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Annotation:Drops of Whisky (3)

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X:1 T:Drops of Whisky [3] M:9/8 L:1/8 S:William Mackie music ms. collection (Aberdeen, early 19th cent.) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D d2d (fe).d (fe).d|d2d (fe).d (fg).a|d2d (fe).d (fe).d|g2f e2d cBA:| |:f2g a2b (af).d|f2g a2b a2g|f2g a2b (af).d|g2f e2d (cB).A:||

Drops of Whisky [3]. English?, Scottish, Irish?; Slip Jig (9/8 time). D Major (Mackie): G Major (Goodman). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. An early 19th century version of the slip jig is contained in the William Mackie music manuscript collection, Aberdeen, early 19th century. Mackie was a Highland piper and Scots small-piper, and sections of his ms. appears to be for flute and/or fiddle as well. It also can be found in vol. 2 (p. 149)[1] of the large mid-19th century music manuscript collection of County Cork cleric and uilleann piper wikipedia:James_Goodman_(musicologist). "Drops of Brandy (1)" is a related tune.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - James Goodman (1828-1896) entered the tune into his manuscript, having obtained it from the music manuscript collections of Seán Ó Dálaigh (John O'Daly, 1800-1878), the great nineteenth-century scribe; compiler and collector of manuscripts; editor; anthologist; publisher of Gaelic verse and stories and founder of societies for the publication of Gaelic literature, best-known today for his volume Poets and Poetry of Munster (1849). O’Daly was born in the Sliabh gCua area of west Waterford and was, like Goodman, a teacher of Irish.

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