Annotation:Fair-Haired White-Skinned Calf (The)
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FAIR-HAIRED WHITE-SKINNED CALF, THE (An Gamhuin Geal Bán). AKA and see "Slainte Righ Philip," "Priest and the Rake." Irish, Slow Air (3/4 time). E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The title is "A term of endearment for a girl" (Joyce).
Source for notated version: "Taken down more than fifty years ago from James Buckley, a Limerick piper. It is a version of Sldinte Righ Philip, an air which has been already printed more than one: but this setting is so good and so characteristic that it deserves to be preserved. I have an Irish song to this air all about the Gamhuin Geal ban" (Joyce).
Printed sources: Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 18, p. 12.
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