Annotation:Fill the Tankard (2)

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X:30 T:Fill The Tankard [2]. Roose.0065 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=110 B:John Roose MS, Manchester, 1850 Z:Village Music Project. Steve Mansfield, 2019 K:F F2A f2d e2c | d2e f2a gec | d2e f2c A2c | dcB A2G F3 :| |: a2f d2f a2f | g2e c2e g2e | f2d d2e f2a | gec d2e f3 :|

FILL THE TANKARD [2]. English, Slip Jig (9/8 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB."Fill the Tankard (1)" has the same second strain, but the first strains differ (although with a similar melodic contour and with a few similar melodic patches).

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