Annotation:General Grant

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X:1 T:General Grant's Reel T:Bal n' Iden M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Cumming - Collection of Strathspey or Old Highland Reels (1780, No. 36, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B2 A>G (Bc/d/) (ef/g/)|B>AG>B A/A/A Ad|B2 A>G (B/c/d) (e/f/g)|D2 DB G/G/G G2:| |:e/f/|g>dB>g d>gd>B|g>dB>g Tf2 Ae/f/|g>dB>g d>gd>B|A>GA>B G/G/G G:| |:A|B>GB>G BG>B>d|B>GB>d gf A2|B>GB>d g2 g>b|A>GA>B G/G/G G:| |:e/f/|g>d B/c/d/B/ g>d B/c/d/B/|g>d B/c/d/B/ g>f Af/g/|g>dB>g d>gd>B|(D2 D>)B G/G/G G:|

GENERAL GRANT. AKA - "Bal n' Iden." Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. John Glen (1891) finds the earliest appearance of this tune in print in biography:Angus Cumming's Collection of Strathspey or Old Highland Reels (1780, No. 36, p. 11). Michael Newton, writing in his blog "The Origins of the Strathspey: A Rebuttal" [1] believes the correct Scots Gaelic title of Cumming's "Bal n' Iden " should be "Bail’ an Aodainn."

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