Annotation:Gentoo Dance
X:1 T:Gentoo Dance M:2/4 L:1/8 B:MacLean – “The Amateurs Companion: Being a rare selection of Irish & Scotch Melodies” (Dublin, c. 1810-15, p. 30) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (G/F/G/A/) BB/A/|GG/A/ B2 |(A/G/A/B/) cc/A/|BB/c/ A2| (G/F/G/A/) BB/A/|GG/A/ B2|AA/c/ FF/A/|GB G2:| |:gg/g/ dd/d/|BB/B/ G2|(A/G/A/B/) cc/A/|BB/c/ A2| gg/g/ dd/d/|BB/B/ G2|AA/c/ FF/A/|GB G2||
GENTOO DANCE. English? Irish?, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "wikipedia:Gentoo_(term), also spelled Gentue or Jentue, was a term used by Europeans for the native inhabitants of India before the word Hindu, with its religious connotation, was used to distinguish a group from Muslims and members of other religious groups in India."