Annotation:Green Cottage Polka (3) (The)
X:1 T:Green Cottage No. 3, The T:The Girl with the Blue Dress On T:Babes in the Woods M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Polka K:G de/d/ cA | BG G/D/G/B/ | AD F>G | AG GB/c/ | de/d/ cA | BG G/D/G/B/ | AD D/E/F/G/ | AG G2 :| |: GB/d/ g>a | fe e2 | FA/c/ f>g | ed d/c/B/A/ | GB/d/ gg | fe e2 | fe/f/ af | ag g2 :||
GREEN COTTAGE [1], THE. AKA - "Little Green Cottage (The)." AKA and see "Babes in the Woods (1), "Bonnie Annie," "Bonny Annie," "Din Tarrant's," "Girl with the Blue Dress On (1) (The)," "Little Green Cottage (The)," "Matt Teehan's," "Tom Morrison's," "Tony Lowe's Polka (1)." Irish, Polka (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.
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