Annotation:Hamilton's Rant
X:1 T:Hamilton’s Rant M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 5 B:(Glasgow, 1797, No. 102, p. 39) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G Bdeg edcB|cAeA cAeA|Bdeg edcB|Agfa g2G2:| |:BGGB BAGB|ADDA ADDc|BGGB BGGB|AFDF G2G2:|]
HAMILTON'S RANT. Scottish, Reel (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was also entered into the c. 1816 music copybook of Major John Gaylord Jr. (Connecticut).