Annotation:Headwaters of Tygart
X:1 T:Headwaters of Tygert N:Transcribed by John Hartford from the playing of Morris Allen on a N:John Harrod tape. M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen F. Davis - "The Devil's Box", vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 1997, p. 13 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G DG BG|A/B/A/G/ EG|Bd dB|A/B/A/G/ EG| BG AG|G/B/A/G/ E/G/G|B/de/ d/B/G/A/|B/G/A/F/ G:| |:bb/g/ a/b/a/f/|f/a/g/d/ e/d/B/A/|B/de/ d/B/G/A/|B/G/A/G/ E/G/G| bb/g/ a/b/a/f/|g/a/g/d/ e/d/B/A/|B/de/ d/B/G/A/|B/G/A/F/ G:|
HEADWATERS OF TYGART. AKA - "Headwaters of Tygert." American, Reel (2/4 time). USA, northeastern Kentucky. G Major. Standard or ADae tunings (fiddle). AABB. Tygart's Creek is in Carter and Greenup Counties in northeast Kentucky. The watercourse was named after an early explorer, Michael Tygart. The creek is nowadays a favorite for canoe trips, it is commonly known as the 'Tiger' in the region. The Keibler Brothers, at one time well-known fiddlers around Portsmouth, Ohio, played a tune called "Headwaters of Tygart" which John Hartford beleives may have sounded like Ed Haley's "No Corn on Tygart" [notes to Rounder 1131/1132, 1997].