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Annotation:Highland Man that Kissed His Grannie (1)
X:1 T:Highlandman Kissed His Mother [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amin cgge gcge|cgge dBGB|cgge gcge|a^fge dBGB:| |:ceAe ceAe|ceAe dBGB|ceAe ceA^g|a^fge dBGB:||
HIGHLAND MAN THAT KISSED HIS GRANNIE [1], THE. AKA - "Highland Man Who Kissed His Granny," "Highlandman Kiss'd his Mother (The)," "Highlandman Kissed His Love." AKA and see "Around the World (1)," "Cavan Reel (The)," "Cottage in the Grove (2) (The)," "Down with the Mail," "Fairy Hurlers (The)," "Gravel Walk (The)," "Gravel Walks (The)," "Gravelled Walks to Granny (The)," "Faraway Wedding (1) (The)," "Highland Man Kiss'd His Mother (The)," "In and Out the Harbor (1)," "Jakie Stewart's Reel," "Jenny Tie Your Bonnet," "Jenny Lace Your Tight," "John Byrth's," "Jolly Seven (The)," "Lassie Tie Your Bonnet," "Lassies Tie Your Bonnets," "Lizzie's Bonnet," "Miss Kelly’s (1)," "Miss Percy's Reel," "Rambler's Rest (The)," "Ryan's Rant," "Stenson's No. 1," "Tailor's Thimble (2) (The)," "Tie the Bonnet," "Upstairs in a Tent (1)." Scottish, Irish; Reel. C Major ('A' part) & A Dorian ('B' part) {most versions}: D Major {Doyle, Kennedy, Manson}. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Gow, Surenne): AAB (Manson): AABB (most versions). As will be see by the number of associated titles, "Highland Man that Kissed His Grannie" is a member of a large and rather amorphous tune family in both Scotland and Ireland. John Glen (1891) finds the earliest printing of the tune in Robert Bremner's 1757 collection (as "The Higlandman kiss'd his mother"). See also the Irish derivative reels "Gravel Walks (The)," "Maid in the Cherry Tree (1) (The)" and "Curragh Races (1)," and "Highlandman (2) (The)," a highland (the parts are sometimes reversed from the Scottish tune). Surenne, evidently finding the title a bit too risqué for early-Victorian sensibilities, edits the title down to "The Highlandman." Charles and Samuel Thompson printed the tune as "Jakie Stewart's Reel" in their Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 2 (London, 1765). Related tunes are "Jolly Seven (The)" and "Around the World (1)" (O'Neill, Ryan/Cole).