Annotation:Highlandman Kissed His Mother (The)
X:1 T:Highlandman Kiss'd his Mother, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Robert Bremner - Collection of Scots Reels, Country Dances (1757, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C cg-ge gcge|cg-ge dBGB|cg-ge gcge|a^fge dBGB:| |:ceAe ceAe|ceAe (d/c/B/A/) GB|ceAe ceAg|a^fge dBGB:|]
HIGHLANDMAN KISSED HIS MOTHER (THE). AKA - "Highlander Kissed his Mother." Scottish, Reel. C Major (Bremner, Lowe): G Major. (Aird): A Mixolydian (McLachlan). Standad tuning (fiddle). AAB (Lowe): AABB (Bremner). Fr. John Quinn links this tune to the family of tunes that includes "Ryan's Rant," "Jakie Stewart's Reel," "Jolly Seven (The)," "Around the World (1)," "Miss Percy's Reel," "Miss Kelly's (1)," "John Byrth's," "Gravel Walks (The) (to Granie)" and "Fairy Hurlers (The)."