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Annotation:Hopp Marianake

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X:1 T:Hopp Marianake M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:M.E. Eames music manuscript book, frontispiece dated Aug. 22nd, 1859 (p. 76) S: http://archive.org/details/MEEamesBook N:Eames was perhaps from Philadelphia Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C "Allegretto"c|e2c {d}(cB)c|e2c {d}(cB)c|d2d g2g|(e3 c2)c| e2c {d}(cB)c|e2c {d}(cB)c|d2d (GA)B|(c3 c2)|| z|d2d g2g|{f}ede c2c|d2d g2g|(e3 c2)z| a2f {g}fef|g2e {f}ede|cde GAB|(c3 c2)||

HOPP MARIANAKE. American (?), Jig (6/8 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The melody appears in the music manuscript copybook of American musician M.E. Eames, dated August 22nd, 1859. "Hopp Marianke" was printed on an undated single sheet [1] by the New York music publishing firm of Firth & Hall (Pearl Street), right below another jig, "Waterman (The)," which was also entered by Eames into his manuscript. The melody appears in an anonymous music manuscript (mostly of quadrille figures and waltzes) dated 1830, primarily in the French language[1], under the title "Lauteuse".

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  1. The ms. can be viewed at the American Vernacular Music site [2]
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