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Annotation:Irish Boree (The)

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X:1 T:Irish Boree M:C| L:1/8 N:”Longways for as many as will.” B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth B: (London, 1740, No. 198) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmin e2|f3e d2^c2|d2 (ef) (ga) (gf)|e6 e2|f3e d2^c2| d2 (ef) (gf)(ed)|d6||A2|E3EF2G2|A2 (GF) (AB) c2| (E4E2)A2|F3E F2G2|A2 (GF) (GF)(ED)|D6||

IRISH BOREE, THE. AKA - "Irish Bourée." English, Country Dance Tune (4/4 time). D Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The melody dates to 1696 when it was published by Henry Playford in the Dancing Master Part II, the supplement to the 9th edition of the long-running series. It was retained in all subsequent editions through the 18th and final volume, published by John Young in 1728. The tune was picked up the the Walshes, and appears in all three editions of The Compleat Country Dancing Master (London, 1718, 1731 & 1754).

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Source for notated version: -"From Playford's Dancing Master, 17th edition, London, 1721" [Stanford/Petrie].

Printed sources : - Barlow (Complete Country Dance Tunes from Playford's Dancing Master), 1985; No. 360, p. 86. Stanford/Petrie (Complete Collection), 1905; No. 587, p. 148.

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