Annotation:Isaac Homan Polka Set Figure 1
X:1 T:Isaac Homan Polka Set, Figure 1 N:Although not identified as such in Homan’s ms., this appears to N:be part of a cotillion set consisting mainly of polkas. M:2/4 L:1/8 S:Isaac Homan manuscript (mid-19th century, Bellport, S:Long Island, NY, Book 4) N:”arrange(d) by Dedsworth Band.” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G DG/B/ AG|FA/e/ dc|FA/c/ EF|GB/g/ ed| DG/B/ AF|FA/e/ dc|FA/c/ EF|GGG:| K:D A2 f/e/d|(c/d/)(^d/e/) ag|(c/d/)(^d/e/) fe|(d/c/)(d/B/) A2| A2 f/e/d|(c/d/)(^d/e/) ag|(c/d/)(^d/e/) fe|d2 =c2!D.C.!|| K:G? g/g/g/g/ ga|gz e'2|e'/e'/e'/e'/ e'd'| e'/e'/e'/e'/ e'c'| g/g/g/g/ ga|gz e'2| e'/e'/e'/e'/ e'd'|c'c'c'!D.C.!|| K:A e|a/^g/a/b/ c'b/a/|^g/a/b g/a/b|a/^g/a/b/ c'/b/a/|e'e'/e'/ e'e'| e|a/^g/a/b/ c'b/a/|^g/a/b g/a/b|e'e'e'e'|e'e'e'e'!D.C.!||
ISAAC HOLMAN POLKA SET. American, Polkas and a Jig. This set of five tunes can be found in the mid-19th century music manuscript collection of biography:Isaac Homan, a ship-builder and musician from the seaside community of Bellport, Long Island. Holman had several cotillion sets and a Lancer set it his manuscript collection. The polkas are not labelled as a set in the ms., as are other sets, but they are arranged together exactly as Homan did his other cotillion sets and it seems clear they were to be played together, one after another, for dancing.
"Isaac Homan's Polka Set Figure 1" has the accompanying note "arrange(d) by the Dedsworth Band." The Dodsworth Band (note spelling) is mentioned in many newspapers and periodicals over more than a fifty year span. Dodsworth was one of the premier bands in New York; organized by 1835, it was "one of the celebrated musical organizations of that day" that played for parades, military and civic events. Thomas Dodsworth assumed control of the Independent Band of New York in 1836 and changed the instrumentation to all brass, renaming it after himself. Under his leadership and conducting skills the band grew in competence and gained the reputation as the best band in New York State.
There is also published sheet music that mentions "as played by the Dodsworth Band" (see Charles Wells' "Grand Funeral March" for General Zachary Taylor, 1850). When President-elect Abraham Lincoln spoke in Jersey City in 1861, it was the Dodsworth Band that played the "Star Spangled Banner."
There is one 6/8 time change tune in the set (see "Isaac Homan Polka Set Figure 4").
The polkas themselves seem culled from light classical repertoire.