Annotation:Isabella's Hornpipe
X:1 T:Isabella's Hornpipe N:Titled simply "Hornpipe" in Moore's ms. M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:John Moore music manuscript collection (c. 1837-40, Book 2, p. 116) B: Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G dc|B2G2G2dc|BGBd gdcB|c2Z2A2 ag|f2d2d2 dc| B2G2G2d2|BGBd g2B2|ABcA dcBA|B2G2G2:| |:d2|g2dB g2dB|gfga g2d2|g2 dB g2fg|a2A2A2d2| g2 dB g2dB|gfga g2B2|ABcA dcBA|B2G2G2:|]
ISABELLA'S HORNPIPE. English, Hornpipe. England, Shropshire. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The title was provided by editor Gordon Ashman, who took John Moore's untitled hornpipe and named it for his wife.