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Annotation:Johnny Campbell's March

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X:1 T:Johnny Campbell's March N:Transcribed by Frank Maloy, learned from his friend and former N:bandmate Tony Cannon (Macon, Ga.), who learned the tune from N:lefthanded fiddler Johnny Campbell in Macon, Ga., in the 1940's. M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March B:Stephen F. Davis - Devil's Box, vol. 33, No. 1, Spring 1999 (p. 43) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G AB||"C"c2e2|a2e2|g4-|gG AB|c2e2|a2g2| "G7"f4-|fG A_B|"G7"=Bf2e|fG A_B|=Bf2e|fG AB| A2G2|B2g2|"C"e4-|eG AB|c2e2|a2e2|g4-|gg ^fg| c'2- c'/d'/c'|b2 _b2|"F"a4-|a2 .a2|"Fdim"A3B|c2a2| "C"g4-|ge cA|"G7"G2f2|e2d2|"C"c4-|c||


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