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Annotation:Lady MacDuff’s Lament and Scoon House

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X:1 T:Lady MacDuff’s Lament and Scoon House M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 2 (1760, p. 4) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A3 (G/F/) E>A|F2D2A2|d3c (B/c/)d|{d}Tc4 A2| d3B T(A>F)|E3F (G/A/)B|A3 (G/F/) T(E>D)|1 D3 EFG:|2 D3 DEF|| G3F G>A|B3=cB2|e3f (e/d/c/d/)|{d}Tc3B A2| d3c (d/e/)f|e3a f>b|(^ga) Ta3^g|a3f (ga)| b3a (b/c'/)d'|{d'}Tc'3b a>g|(f>e)(d>c) B2|(g>f)(e>d) (c/d/)e| d3e (dA)|B3ec2|(d/e/)f Td3c|1d3 DEF:|2 d6||

LADY MACBETH'S LAMENT AND SCOON HOUSE. Scottish, Slow Air (3/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. The melody was included in a production of Shakespeare's MacBeth, in which most of the music was composed by cellist and composer James Oswald [1] (1710-1769). This air, however, Oswald said was not his composition. Oswald, originally from Edinburgh, had established himself in London, where presumably his MacBeth was staged.

Scoon House was once the seat of the Earl of Mansfield

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Printed sources : - Oswald (Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 2), 1760; p. 4.

Recorded sources: -

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