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Annotation:Last Dance (2) (The)

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X:1 T:Last Dance [2], The M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel O:English K:Gmix G2 B/c/d Bgde|G2 B/c/d AfAF|G2 B/c/d Bgde|fade fcAF:| |:g2 dB gBdB|g2 de fcAF|g2 dB gBde|f/g/a d/e/f AFcA:|

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, in 1795. Watercolor by Edward Dayes
LAST DANCE [2], THE. English, Reel. G Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). "The Last Dance [2]" is a reel in the Scottish style appears in the pantomime wikipedia:Queen_Mab , produced in Drury Lane in December, 1750; it is likely the famous Scots composer and music publisher James Oswald (1711-1767) participated in writing the music for the show. Alburger is of the opinion that this reel has the "shape and feeling of many Scottish dance tunes."

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Printed sources : - Alburger (Scottish Fiddlers and Their Music), 1983; Ex. 27, p. 48.

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