X:1 T:Lethe M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Q:"Slow" B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3 (Glasgow, 1788, No. 452, p. 176) N:”Humbly dedicated to the Volunteers and Defensive Bands of Great Britain and Ireland” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|gfg dcB|A/c/BA G2A|B>cd efg|{e}dc/B/A/G/ A2d| g>fg dcB|A/c/BA G2d|e>f gag/f/e/d/|e/g/fe d2:| |:f/g/|a>ba fdf|g>fg e2d|e>dc Bcd|ec’/b/a/g/ {g}f2g| {e}dc/B/A/G/ def|e/d/c/B/A/G/ d2a|b>fg dcB|cAd G2:|]
LETHE. Scottish, Air or Country Dance (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune appears to be unique to Glasgow musician and music publisher James Aird's Selection, vol. 3 (1788).