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Annotation:Lincolnshire Hornpipe (2)

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X:16 T:Lincolnshire or ... Roose.0921 T:Durham Hornpipe. Roose.0921 T:Newcastle Station,aka. Roose.0921 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project Edmund Spriggs 2019 Q:1/2=76 M:C| L:1/8 K:D AG|FAD2 D2FD|CEA,2 A,2AG|FAD2DBAG|FABc dBAG| FAD2 D2FD|CEA,2 A,2AG|FAdA BGEC|[F2D2]D2D2:| |:de|fefg fdAd|Bdfe dcBA|Bdce dfed|c2A2 A2de| fefg fdAd|Bdfe dcBA|Bdce dBAG|F2D2 D2:| |:FG|A>F ((3FAF) D>F ((3FAF)|A>F ((3FAF) D>F ((3FAF)|G>E ((3EGE) C>E ((3EGE)|G>E ((3EGE) C>E ((3EGE)| A>F ((3FAF) B>G ((3GBG)|c>A ((3ABc) d>cd>e|f>de>c d>BA>G|F2D2D2:|

LINCOLNSHIRE HORNPIPE [2]. AKA and see "Durham Hornpipe," "Newcastle Station." English, Hornpipe (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The first strain is shared with "Scarbro' Hornpipe," but the rest of the tune differs.

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