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Annotation:Lisburn Lasses (2) (The)

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X:1 T:Lisburn Lasses [2], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, Book 1, p. 37 (mid-19th century) F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-one#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=40&z=365.1022%2C1234.5565%2C9718.0531%2C3722.2222 F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive goodman.itma.ie Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D2 dF AFdF|F2 dF GE E2|F2 dF AFdF|GEAG FD D2| F2 dF AFdF|F2dF GE E2|F2dF F2 dF|GEAG FD D2|| d2 de fdec|d2 de fdB2|d2 de fdec|dBAG FD D2| d2 de fdec|d2 de fd Bd|afge fdec|dBAG FD D2||

LISBURN LASSES [2], THE. AKA and see "Clonmel Lasses," "Sall's Delight," "Sally's Delight." Irish, Reel (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB: AAB. Goodman's "Lisburn Lasses [2]" is the same as strains two and three of "Cup of Tea (1) (The)," with parts reversed. No musical relation with O'Neill's "Lisburn Lasses (1) (The)."

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Printed sources : - James Goodman music manuscript collection, mid-19th century; vol. 1, p. 37 and vol. 4, p. 21. Hugh Shields (Tunes of the Munster Pipers vol. 1), 1998; No. 86. Hugh and Lisa Shields (Tunes of the Munster Pipers, vol. 2), 2013; No. 950.

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