Annotation:Little Johnny with his Bended Legs
X:1 T:Little Johnny with his Bended Legs M:2/4 L:1/16 C:by Léon Berthelette R:Polka D:John Arcand "Traditionally Yours" JA0007 Z:Miche Baker-Harvey; 03/05/2004; abc's PL Katz. K:G d3c|"G"B2B2 G2G2|D2GB d2B2|"D7"cBcB A2F2 |"G"G2B2 d3c| B2B2 G2G2|D2GB d2B2|"D7"cBcB A2F2 |"G"G4 :|] |:E4|"G"D2G2 B2G2|"C"E3G E4|"D"D2F2 A2F2|"G"GFGA B2G2| "G"D2G2 B2G2|"C"E3G E4 |"D"D2F2 A2F2|"G"G4 :|]
LITTLE JOHNNY WITH HIS BENDED LEGS. Western Canadian, Metis, polka. G major. Standard tuning. AABB. Composed by Leon Berthelette, from Manitoba.