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LOUISA. English, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune appears in Hodsoll's Collection of Popular Dances No. 24, an undated manuscript (c. 1816) with tunes with Napoleonic-era titles and dance instructions for each melody. The volume was issued by London music seller William Hodsoll, of whom Frank Kidson [British Music Publishers, Printers and Engravers, 1900] notes:

Hodsoll, William. A music seller who in 1794 was at Seven Oaks, Kent, and who about or prior to the year 1800 entered into the premises formerly occupied by John Bland, at 45, Holborn. His name is in the directory for 1800 till at least 1830. He issued sheet music and sets of yearly country dances in the usual form, oblong 8vo and oblong 4to. He published also two thin folio volumes entitled "Terpsichore's Gift," the work consists of his separately published sheet songs and pieces. Another of his publications, in oblong quarto, bears the same title and allegorical vignette.

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