Annotation:Marche du boulanger
X:1 T:Marche de boulanger T:Baker's March, The S:A.J. Boulay (fiddle) & Henri Lacroix (harmonica) M:C L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Moderate" D:Victor 263734a (78 RPM), Joseph Allard (1931) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G BABe|d2d2d2d2|d4 d^cda|g2g2g2g2|g4 gfag| f2c2f2c2|f4 fegf|e2B2e2B2|e4 BABe|d2d2d2d2| d4 d^cda|g2g2g2g2|g4 gfag|f2b2f2b2|f2 gf e2d2| f3e d2c2| B4 ||:c2d2|[c4e4][c4e4]|[c2e2]d^c2d[c2e2]|[B4e4][B4e4]| [B3e3]d [^c2e2]d2|(g2f2)f2e2|[c3e3]d ^c2d2|(g2f2) f2e2| [c3e3]d ^c2d2|[c4e4][c4e4]|[c2e2]d^c2d[c2e2]|[B4e4][B4e4]| [B3e3]d [^c2e2]d2|[B4g4][B3g3]a|b2fa g2d2|d3-e dcBA|G6:| P:Trio K:D (3A,B,C|:D4E4|F6B2|A2 ^G2 G2F2 |E6A2|G2F2E2D2| C2D2E2B,2|D4 C2E2| A6A,2| D4E4|F6B2|A2 ^G2 G2F2 | E6A2|G2F2E2D2|C2 B2A2G2|F4E4|1D2 A,A, A,2A,2:|2D4 D2B2-||
MARCHE DU BOULANGER (Baker's March). French-Canadian, March (whole time). G Major ('A' and 'B' parts) & D Major ('C' part). Standard tuning (fiddle). ABBCC'. "Marche du boulanger" was recorded by fiddler Arthur-Joseph (A.J.) Boulay (1883-1948) and harmonica player Henri Lacroix (1895-1962), both prolific recording artists in Montreal in the late 1920's and 1930's. The march was recorded in September, 1930, but not issued by Victor until 1931. Lacroix continued to develop the piece, recording it again in Montreal in March, 1931, for Brunswick Records with the group Les Gais Villageois, "under the direction of Henri La Croix," a band of five or six individuals playing (variously) piano, guitar, violin, accordion, drum, jew's harp, tambor, castanets and other sound effects [Brunswick Br 52091]. The march was originally composed by Louis César Désormes (1840-1898), orchestral director at the Folies-Bergère, as "La marche du boulanger" and became the vehicle for an early 20th century song, "En revenant de la revue" (Coming back from the show), by Paulus, popular in France.