Annotation:Maurice O'Connor (3)

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X:1 T:Maurice O’Connor [3] M:C| L:1/8 R:Air C:Carolan B:Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson – The Hibernian Muse (London, 1787, No. 44, p. 27) N:”A Collection of the most Favorite Compositions of Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F {g}fefg fgfg|{b}agab a2 ab|c'bc'd' c'd'c'b|{b}A2 Tgf f2c2| {e}f2 de fedc|BABc B2B2|gfef gagf|{f}e2 Tdc c2c2| fefg f2f2|gfga g2g2|agfg agfg|agab c'4| c'bc'a babg|agaf gfge|fdBd gece|f2 fg f4|| cBcd cBAG|F_EDC B,2B,2|EFGA GAGA|GFED C2C2| FGAF GABG|ABcA BcdB|cdec defd|c2g2{f}e2 de| f2 {e}fg f2 {e}dc|B2 Bc B2B2|efga g2 fe|{f}e2 Tdc c2c2| fc'c'c' dbbb|caaa Bggg|{f}e2 dc cdcB|{B}A2 TGF F4||

MAURICE O'CONNOR [3]. AKA - "Mr. Maurice O Connor." AKA and see "Doctor O'Connor," "Dr. O'Connor." Irish, Planxty. F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Composed by blind Irish harper Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1738).

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Samuel, Ann and Peter Thompson's Hibernian Muse (London, c. 1786) [O'Sullivan]. O'Sullivan notes the tune is practically identical with that published by John Lee (1780).

Printed sources : - Broderip & Wilkinson (A Favourite Collection of the so much Admired old Irish Tunes, the Original & Genuine Compositions of Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard), London, c. 1804; No. 55, p. 22[1]. Complete Collection of Carolan's Irish Tunes, 1984; No. 117, p. 85. O'Sullivan (Carolan: The Life, Times and Music of an Irish Harper), 1958; No. 117, p. 163. Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson (The Hibernian Muse), London, 1787; No. 44, p. 27.

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  1. This appears to be a plagiarized reissue of Lee’s or Mulhollan's volumes, without the names of tunes, only numbers.