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Annotation:Merry Counselor (The)

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X: 1 T:Merry Councellor. JJo4.157, The B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 4, 1748 Z:vmp.Anne Wride 2014 www.village-music-project.org.uk M:4/4 Q:1/4=120 L:1/8 F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Johnson/JohnsonVol4(Jan15).abc K:G B/c/ | d>BG>g e2 dB | ca2B A3 B/c/ | d>BG>g e2 d>B | gd2BG3 :| B/c/ |d>ed>B d>ed>B |gb2a/g/ a3 A/c/ | d>ed>B gd2B | edcB A3 B/c/| d>BG>g e2d>B | ca2BA3 B/c/ | d>BG>g e2 d>B | gd2BG3 |] W:Last strain but once W:Fist Cu. lead thro' the 2d. and on the outside of the 3d. Cu. and turn W:Lead up to the Top and cast off W:Set 6 and turn Right and Left with the 2d. Cu

MERRY COUNSELLOR, THE. English, Reel. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The melody was printed by London publishers John Walsh (Caledonian Country Dances vol. 4, c. 1744), John Johnson (A Choice Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances vol. 4, 1747), and David Rutherford (Rutherford's Compleat Collection of 200 of the Most Celebrated Country Dances, 1756). It also was entered into the music manuscript collections of William Vickers (Northumberland, 1770), Kitty Bridges (1745), Walter Rainstorp (Cheapside, London, 1747) and Thomas Hammersley (London, 1790).

A 'merry counselor' was another name for a clown, joining such other names as buffoon, jester, fool, conjurer, mirthmaker, tumbler, gleeman, mime, actor, harlequin, comic, and puppeteer.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - the 1770 music manuscript collection of Northumbrian musician William Vickers [1] [Seattle]

Printed sources : - Seattle (Great Northern Tune Book/William Vickers), 1987, Part 3; No. 348.

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