Annotation:Miss Biggar's Strathspey
X:1 T:Miss Biggars M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:John Bowie – “Collection of strathspey reels & country dances &c.” B:(Edinburgh, c. 1789, p. 22) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G V:1 (Bc)|dG3B3G G2g2-g2fe|dG3B3G Aa3a3b|g3e d3B dG3b3a|ge3d3g BG3G2:| A2|G2(g2g2fe) GG3G3B|Aa3Ta3g ae3e3a|g3be3g d3gc3g|B3gA3f gG3G3B| Gg3-g2fe gG3G3B|Aa3a3g a2A2A2a2|g2bg e2ge dG3b3a|ge3d3c BG3G2|| V:2 clef = bass z2|G,4G,,4B,,4C,4|B,,4G,4F,4D,4|C,4G,4B,,4D,4|C,4B,2G,2 G,,4G,,2:| z2|B,4C4B,4G,4|F,4D,4C,4C4|B,4C4B,4A,4|G,4D,4B,,4G,,4| B,,4C,4G,,4B,,4|C,4C4C,4C4|B,,4C,4B,,4G,,4|C,4D,4G,,4G,,2||
MISS BIGGAR'S STRATHSPEY. Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Perthshire fiddler-composer John Bowie's "Miss Biggar's" was perhaps named for a member of the Edinburgh Biggars family of wealthy merchants. Daniel McClaren, musician of Edinburgh, composed a few tunes for the Biggar family a few years after Bowie's volume was published.