Annotation:Miss Farquharson of Invercauld's Strathspey (3)

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X:1 T:Miss Farquharson of Invercauld’s Strathspey [3] M:C L:1/8 R:Slow C:William Shepherd B:Shepherd -- A Collection of Strathspey Reels (1793, p. 2) K:D A,>DDF E>DEF|A>BA>F A<Ad2|B>d {B}A>F E>DEF|B,>EED {D}CB, {B,}A,2:|| A>df>d a>df>d|A>df>d {f}e>d B2|G>BF>A E>GD>F|B,>EE>F G>A {c}B>{A}G| A>df>d a>df>d|A>df>d B>ABd|A>FF>D E>DEF|B,EED {D}CB, {B,}A,2||

MISS FARQUHARSON OF INVERCAULD'S STRATHSPEY [3]. Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Composed by biography:William Shepherd (c. 1760-1812).

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Printed sources : - Shepherd (A Collection of Strathspey Reels), 1793; p. 2.

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