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Annotation:Miss Hope's Favorite

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X:1 T:Miss Hope's Favorite M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:O’Farrell – Pocket Companion, vol. IV (1810) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G dc | BG G2 (GF)GE | DEGA B2 (AG) | cA A2 (AB)AG | (AB)cd edeg | BG G2 (GF)GE | DEGA B2 AG | ABcd edeg | G<GBA G2G2 :| |: BGdG eGdG | BGdG edcB | cAeA fAeA | cAeA e2 dc | BGdG eGdG | BGdG edcB | ABcd edeg | G<GBA A2G2 :|]

MISS HOPE'S FAVOURITE-SCOTCH. AKA and see “Braes of Glenorchy (1)," "Carton's Reel (10," "Gallagher's" "Isla Reel (The)," "Lady Carbury," "Mason's Apron," "Mason Laddie (The)," "Miss Carbery's Reeel," "Wake Up Susan (1)." Scottish, Reel. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The reel is usually known nowadays as “Mason's Apron,” identified as “Scotch” by O’Farrell. It appeared as "Braes of Glenorchy (1)" and "Isla Reel (The)" in earlier Scottish publications, and O'Farrell's is the only instance of the tune being called "Miss Hope's". O'Farrell drew his repertoire from all over Ireland and Great Britain, and even though the modern "Mason's Apron" is associated with Irish fiddling, O'Farrell indicates he had the tune from Scottish sources.

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Printed sources : - O'Farrell (Pocket Companion, vol. IV), 1810; p. 90.

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