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Annotation:Miss MacDermott

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X: 1 T:Miss MacDermott or The Princess Royal C:Turlough Carolan B:Carolan, by Donal O'Sullivan N:transposed from Fm M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:110 F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/demo/Tunes/MissMacdermottOrThePrincessRoyal.abc K:Dm AG|F2E2 D2AG|F2E2 D2A2|B2A2 G2cB|ABAG F2A2| GAGF EFED|C2B,2 A,2AG|F2ED FED^C|D4 D2||A2| d3^c d2e2|f2F2 F2f2|fedc BAGF|EFGE C2DE| F2EF G2FG|A2A2 d4|c4 B2cB|A4 G2AG| GFFE DFED|CDCB, A,2AG|F2ED FED^C|D4 D2||

MISS MACDERMOTT. AKA - "Miss McDermott." AKA and see "Princess Royal (1) (The)." Irish, Air (cut time). F Minor (O'Sullivan): D Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. See note for "annotation:Princess Royal (1) (The)" for comments about this tune, which may or may not be the work of the bard wikipedia:Turlough_O'Carolan (1670-1738). The earliest attribution to Carolan as composer of this tune is in piper O'Farrell's Pocket Companion for the Irish or Union Pipes, Book IV (c. 1810) where it is given as "Air by Carolan. Irish." O'Sullivan (1958) found it in the manuscripts of Belfast collector Edward Bunting, noted from the playing of harper Arthur O'Neill. The Gows printed the tune in Edinburgh in their Complete Repository, Part Second(p. 7) as "Princess Royal (1) (The)," predating O'Farrell's collection, with no attribution.

According to the not-always-reliable musical scholar Grattan Flood, Miss Mary MacDermott was the daughter of the Prince and Princess of Coolvain and married around 1734 Owen O'Rourke, a descendant of the Princes of Breffin[1].

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Donal O'Sullivan (Carolan: The Life, Times and Music of an Irish Harper), 1958; No 87, p. 148.

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  1. Grattan Flood, Letter to the Editor, Musical Times, vol. 52, No. 815 (Jan. 1, 1911), p. 26.
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