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X:1 T:O! Molly Dear M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q: "Mod." B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 118, p. 87) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Eb (G/A/)|(.B.B.c) (A2B) (G2E)|{G}(.F.E.E) (E3E2) (G/A/)|(.B.B.c) (A2B) (G2E)| {G}(.F.E.E) (E3E2) (.e|.d.B) (c/d/) e2 (e/f/) (g2.e)-|(.d.B) {B}(A/G/) (A3 A2) (._e| .d.B) (c/d/) e2 (e/f/) g2 (.e|.d.B) {B}(A/G/) (A3 A2) (G/A/|B).B.c (A2B) (G2E)|{G}(.F.E.E) (E3 E2)||

MOLLY MY DEAR (Maire a Run). AKA - "Ó Máire Dhlis," "O! Molly Dear," "O Molly My Dear." Irish, Air (3/8 time). G Major (most versions): C Major (Holden): F Major (O'Flannagan). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The air was employed by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) for his song "At the Mid Hour of Night," but seems to have been based on a harp air with a faster (9/8) tempo.

O Molly my dear, I hear you're getting a man.
It would make my heart ache to see your wedding go on.
For fear of a fall, recall your senses in time,
For in spite of them all, sweet charming Molly, you're mine! ... [O'Sullivan/Bunting]

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - the index to the Irish collector Edward Bunting's 1840 collection states the tune was noted from "Patrick Quin, harper, 1800," though his MS copy (titled "If you were shaved you would make a handsome young man") gives the date "28th October 1807."

Printed sources : - Bunting (Ancient Music of Ireland), 1840; No. 118, p. 87. Clinton (Gems of Ireland: 200 Airs), 1841; No. 87, p. 44. P.M. Haverty (One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1), 1858; No. 53, p. 22. Smollet Holden (Collection of Favourite Irish Airs), London, c. 1841; p. 29. O'Flannagan (The Hibernia Collection), 1860; p. 24. O'Neill (Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies), 1903; No. 452, p. 79. O'Sullivan/Bunting, 1983; No. 118, pp. 167-168.

Recorded sources: -

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