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Annotation:Mr. James Taylor (2)

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X:1 T:Mr. James Taylor [2] (Schoolhill, Aberdeen) C:J. Scott Skinner M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Skinner – Miller o’ Hirn Collection (1881, No. 67, p. 35) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A CF3A3G F3G Ac3|CF3A3G F3G Af3|CF3A3G F3GAF3|Ge3^de3 Be3 GE3:| A3E CA3 EA3 C3A|(3c2d2e2 d2c2B2 cA3GA3|B3F DB3 FB3 D3B|(3d2c2B2 (3f2e2d2 (3c2B2A2 (3G3A2B2| A3E CA3 EA3 C3A|(3c2d2e2 (3d2c2B2 cA3 GA3|B3F DB3 FB3 {c}d3F|(GB3) e3d c[C3A3][C2A2]||

MR. JAMES TAYLOR [2]. Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Mr. James Taylor" was composed by Aberdeenshire fiddler-composer and dancing master wikipedia:James_Scott_Skinner (1843-1927) for James Taylor, a violin repairer who lived at 8 Schoolhill Street, Aberdeen. Taylor's repair labels are occasionally found in older violins.

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Printed sources : - Skinner (Miller o’ Hirn Collection), 1881; No. 67, p. 35.

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