Annotation:Mr. Reid of Elgin Academy's Strathspey

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X:1 T:Mr. Reid of Elgin Academy's Strathspey C:Donald Grant M:C| L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Donald Grant – Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c. (1820-21, p. 31) B:The volume was perhaps first issued c. 1790, from a penciled note in a copy. N:The collection was dedicated to Mrs. Col. Grant of Grant (“Sir James and N:Lady Grant of Grant”). S: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F a2|ff3a3g fd3d3g|ff3a3f {f}d4 dg3|ff3a3f g3af3c|d3f (dc).B.A {A}G4G2:| A2|F3GAf3 c3AA3d|cA3f3c A2 Ad3|~F3GAd3 c3FA3f|c3F (dc).B.A {A}G4 GA3| TF3GA3f c3AA3d|cA3f3c A4 Aa3|ff3Ta3g f3dd3f|c3F (dc).B.A {A}G4G2||

MR. REID OF ELGIN ACADEMY'S STRATHSPEY. Scottish, Strathspey (cut time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Mr. Reid of Elgin Academy's Strathspey" was composed by Elgin fiddler-composer biography:Donald Grant and published in his Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c. (1820-21). The minutes of the Council of Elgin for March 22, 1819, recorded:

Mr. Alexander Reid, teacher of the English School in the Academy, gave in his resignation of office, which was accepted, and the Magistrates were directed to advertise for a successor. The Council at same time requested the Magistrates to convey to Mr. Reid the high and grateful sense they entertained of the value of his past services and unwearied exertions in the discharge of his duty as a teacher.

One wonders if Mr. Reid had been a teacher of Grant's, whom he held in esteem and whose service he wanted to honor with a composition.

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Printed sources : - Donald Grant (Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs &c.), 1820-21; p. 31.

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