Annotation:Old Blackthorn (The)

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X:1 T:The Old Blackthorn T:The Jolly Clam-Diggers S:Donal Murphy, accordion B:CRE I, no.136 (slightly different) R:reel M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:transcribed by Paul de Grae K:D d2 FB AFEF|D2 dc BABc|dF ~F2 AFEF|GBAF Dgfe| d2 FB AFEF|Dddc BABc|dF ~F2 AFEF|GBAF DABc|| ~d2 fd egfd|A2 (3cBA eA (3cBA|defd efge|abag fdec| ~d2 fd egfd|A2 (3cBA eA (3cBA|defg a3 g|fdec dgfe||

OLD BLACKTHORN, THE (An Sean-draighneán). AKA and see "Blackthorn Stick (4) (The)," "Brightest Eyes," "Clear the Road," "Countess of Louden's Reel," "Inch of Garth," "Irishman's Blackthorn Stick (The)," "Jolly Clam-diggers (1) (The)," "Rising of the Sun (The)," "Rising Sun (2) (The)," "Strone Johnny (1)." Irish, Reel. Ireland; County Sligo, west Kerry. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Breathnach): AA'BB' (Moylan). A version of "The Rising Sun" family of tunes, albeit with a different second strain. O'Neill (1903) printed sets under the titles "Rising Sun (2) (The)" and "Jolly Clam-diggers (1) (The)", by which titles it earlier appeared in Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883), along with an additional set called "Brightest Eyes." Scottish versions can be found as "Countess of Louden's Reel" and "Inch of Garth."

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - fiddler Tommy Potts (Ireland) [Breathnach]; fiddler Fred Finn, 1919-1986 (Kiltycreen, Kilavil, Co. Sligo) [Flaherty]; accordion player Johnny O'Leary (Sliabh Luachra region of the Cork-Kerry border), recorded at Na Píobairí Uilleann, October, 1984 [Moylan].

Printed sources : - Breathnach (Ceol Rince na hÉireann vol. I), 1963; No. 136, p. 55. Flaherty (Trip to Sligo), 1990; p. 81. Lyth (Bowing Styles in Irish Fiddle Playing, vol. 1), 1981; 49. Moylan (Johnny O'Leary of Sliabh Luachra), 1994; No. 155, p. 90. Prior (Fionn Seisiún 3), 2007; p. 9. Treoir, vol. 31, No. 4, 1999; p. 24a

Recorded sources : - Coleman Music Center CHC 009, Jackie Coleman & Andy Davey - "The Coleman Archive, vol. 2: The Home Place" (2005. Various artists).

See also listing at :
Alan Ng's [1]

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