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Annotation:Parlez-nous à boire

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X: 1 T: Parlez-nous à boire C: Dewey Balfa M: C F: http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/cgi/abc/tuneget?F=ABC&U=http://www.thursdaycontra.com/~spuds/tunes/reels/Parlez.abc&X=1&T=PARLEZNOUSABOIRE L:1/8 K: Gmix g2|"G"d3^cd2B2|G2F2D2G2|"G"G3^FG2B2|d3 d-d2f2| "G"d2^c2d2B2|G2F2D2G2|"G"G3_B "D7"A2A2|"G"G6:| |:G2|"G"G3^FG2B2|d3d-d2_d2|"C"c2dcA2B2|c3c-c2g2| "G"f2d2c2_B2|G2F2D2G2|"G"G3_B "D7"A2A2|"G"G6:|

PARLEZ-NOUS À BOIRE (Let's Talk about Drinking). Cajun, Reel. USA, southwest Louisiana. G Mixolydian (Greenblatt): A Mixolydian (Francois). Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB' (Greenblatt): François gives a complicated account of the Balfa's breaks and vocals. The tune is the air to an old Cajun drinking song. The song can be heard in the film Southern Comfort (1981) played by the Balfa brothers and Marc Savoy (Dewey Balfa had a small role). The lyric begins:

Oh parlez-nous à boire, non pas du marriage
Toujours en regrettant, nos jolis temps passés
Si que tu te maries, avec une jolie fille,
T'es dans les grands dangers, ça va te la voler.

Oh, speak to us about drinking and not about marriage
Always regretting our pretty time past
If you marry a pretty girl,
You’re in big trouble--someone’s going to steal her.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Balfa Brothers (La.) [François].

Printed sources : - François (Ye Yaille, Chère!), 1990; pp. 242-243. Greenblatt (The Cajun Fiddle Book), 1985; p. 27.

Recorded sources : - Arhoolie C-334, Michael Doucet - "Masters of the Folk Violin." Arhoolie Records, "Michael Doucet with Beausoleiol" (1990). Rounder Records, Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys - "Trace of Time" (1993). Swallow Records SW-LP6011, the Balfa Brothers.

See also listing at :
Hear the Balfa Brothers' recording on youtube.com [1] [2] [3]

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