Annotation:Pepper in the Brandy

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X: 12 T:Pepper In The Brandy M:4/4 L:1/8 C:John Kirkpatrick R:Reel N:OliO set #9 F: Z:Steve Mansfield 31/1/2000 K:G GBdg e2 d2 | GBdg e2 d2 |

PEPPER IN THE BRANDY. English, Country Dance Tune and Reel (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.

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Printed sources : - Barber (Nick Barber's English Choice), 2002; No. 50, p. 25.

Recorded sources : - DMPCD 0204, Nick & Mary Barber with Huw Jones - "Lovely Nancy" (2002). Free Reed Records FRR 030, John Kirkpatrick - "Going Spare" (1978). Fledg'ling Records FLED 3007, John Kirkpatrick - "Force of Habit" (1996). Fledg'ling Records FLED 3091, "The Complete John Kirkpatrick Band" (2013).

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