Annotation:Petit Tambour (Le)

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X:1 T:Petit Tambour, Le M:2/4 L:1/8 N:”May be played as a Quadrille” B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 1 (1854, p. 98) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C e/d/|:OcGEG|c3 B/c/|dddd|d3 c/d/|eeee|e/g/f/e/ d/f/e/d/|c/e/d/c/ B/c/d/B/|c2!fermata!:| |:c/B/|AABc|d>cB c/B/|AABc d3 c/B/|AABc|dd/d/ cc/c/|BB/B/ AA/A/|G2 e/f/e/d/O:| |:G|cc/c/ cc|c3G|cGEC|G2 zG|cc/c/ cc|c2 ze|e/d/c/B/ d/c/B/A/|G2 e/f/e/d/O:|]

PETIT TAMBOUR, LE. French, Air (2/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The French song "Le Petit Tambour" (‘The Little Drummer Boy’), arranged by Antoine Meissonier, was published around 1724 in publications such as The Harmonican. The popular tune can be found in numerous period arrangements by renowned composers for voice and piano, solo or dup piano, harp, guitar, and arranged as a country/contre dance or for the parlor.

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