T:Petite Brunette
S:J.O. La Madeleine and his son Albert
D: Raz de Marée/Tidal Wave - "Marche du St-Laurent" (2010)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
Bc|d2d2 {Bc}B2 A2|G2 A2 A-B3|AB {c}BA {c}BAGB|{B}d2-d2 TB2A2|
G2 Ac B2A2|G6:||:G2|B2d2g2{a}g2|d2g2 {a}g2e2|
dedB A2 GA|B2d2 e4|d2 Bd {cd}c2A2|G6:||
J.O. La MadeleinePETITE BRUNETTE. French-Canadian, Air (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. A song air, Recorded by J.O. La Madeleine in 1928.
Additional notes Source for notated version : - left-handed fiddler Joseph Ovila LaMadeleine (1880-1973), who recorded during the 78 RPM era. La Madeleine was based in Montreal, where he owned a music shop. His recording career began in the 1920's with Starr Records, for whom he recorded 54 sides, sometimes with sons Albert (guitar, fiddle), Marcel (fiddle), and daughter Jeanette (vocals).
Recorded sources : - Starr 15435 (78 RPM), J.O. LaMadeleine (1928). Raz de Marée/Tidal Wave - "Marche du St-Laurent" (2010).
See also listing at : Eric Lortie's Identitairs Quebecois [1]
Hear La Madeleine's 1928 recording at the Virtual Gramophone [2]